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Found 22591 results for any of the keywords sequoyah hills. Time 0.007 seconds.
Youth | Sequoyah Hills Presbyterian ChurchThe Youth Ministries of Sequoyah Hills Presbyterian Church
About SHPC | Sequoyah Hills Presbyterian ChurchWe believe that Jesus Christ is the only Lord and Savior and that all people everywhere are called to place their faith, hope, and love in him. We therefore worship him as we acknowledge him Lord of all and Head of the C
Visitors | Sequoyah Hills Presbyterian ChurchWe WELCOME all people to a journey of faith in Christ.
Outreach | Sequoyah Hills Presbyterian ChurchWe SERVE those within Knoxville and throughout the world in Jesus name.
SHEEP | Sequoyah Hills Presbyterian ChurchSHEEP follows Knox County Schools schedule for weather related updates
Worship Resources | Sequoyah Hills Presbyterian ChurchWe GLORIFY God through ministry, prayer and worship,and CELEBRATE the presence of the Holy Spirit.
Care Ministries | Sequoyah Hills Presbyterian ChurchWe NURTURE and love each other through fellowship as a family of faith.
Sequoyah Hills Presbyterian ChurchBy the grace and love of Christ, we are a gathering of broken people seeking to know, glorify, and serve God together. Whether you re new to or skeptical about faith, new to town or a lifelong Knoxvillian, we welcome you
Children | Sequoyah Hills Presbyterian ChurchChildcare: 8:30 a.m. – 12:00 Noon | Main Level of the Spitzer Education BuildingInfants and Toddlers (Room 204)
Connect Grow | Sequoyah Hills Presbyterian ChurchWe EQUIP people for discipleship through Christian education and NURTURE and love each otherthrough fellowship as a family of faith.
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